Sunday, February 12, 2012


I have long known and said that the VLPS/ guestbook entries are from a small core group using various names and NOT genuine posters.  But what else would anyone expect when the postings on their site were mainly by a small band of repeat posters using different names? 

And now I have the undeniable proof.~ numerous  posters there with the same IP.

Tomorrow I will post the proof. 

It will take me hours to actually correlate all these bogus posters into one segment here.  Hang in there.

They will be here tomorrow Sunday 12th of February 2012.


Before you begin, I must warn you that this is a long read with a lot of detail so pour yourself a cuppa before you begin ...

The guestbook on now displays a posters IP address (or the first three sets of digits of the IP address I should say).

This has been done for one of two reasons:

1.  The VLPS themselves decided to do this.

2.  The guestbook provider FORCED them do it.

Time will tell which of the two are correct. 

But, if, after this blog post in which I will expose beyond any shadow of doubt their disingenuous ways, the IP identity of posters on their guestbook disappear or are no longer shown, then it is option 1 above.  If it was their own doing, they created a spectacular own goal with that one.

However if they remain, we can only assume that it is option 2 above and their guestbook provider no longer trusts them and is, to say the very least, nervous of the way in which the VLPS conduct themselves on the internet and how they abuse the free guestbook on  Perhaps my VLPS insider texter informed on them?

Now, back to the postings on the guestbook.  I looked over the postings there between the dates of the 1st of January 2012 and the 8th of February 2012 (the date I learned the guestbook was still online from my VLPS insider).

There are 379 posts between the 1st of January 2012 and the 8th of February 2012.

Of them 21 are by John Gill (ironically 21 is the number of piano concerti by the great composer Mozart, and 21 posts from John Gill who can't even compose himself, even in his pink shirt and hipster flares).

107 are by Eugene Cafferky, (who seems to spend his time lecturing to no-one given that I suspect most readers of the guestbook, like me, just pass over his rantings).

118 are by the unlucky-in-love and prolific poster, Michael Bradshaw.  (You will remember him as the man who canonised John Gill and adoringly called him St. John), although by the look of the guestbook in the past few days he seems to be all out of love for the "hero" he once openly adored).  Posted by Michael Bradshaw 10/02/2012 "'Frankies nite Club' come and see Gill 'boppin' in his flared trousers and Ben Sherman shirt , he likes the pinky ones and watch those hipsters move. and dont buy his new book because if it's anything like the last one it must be appalling , did i tell you Gill had sidekick Carraher delivering boxes of his last worst seller to their legal friends in Bray , 'Hinge and Bracket' as they're known in Bray , Hinge and Bracket and no Door".  The image of diminutive John Gill boppin' in his flared hipsters and pink shirt is an image many us will now think of when we hear of him.  That and the Brillo-pad 'do.

13 are by Joe Ferris (who in his own words is "Nurse Lecturer in the University of Ulster, Magee campus" (Derry) (imagine HIM teaching your kids?!) but whom I think rather fancies himself as a bit of a Rumpole of the Bailey if we look at his favourite turns of speech: "Would the VLPS agree that" and "Could it be argued" (does he prance around his bedroom in a wig and gown in front of a mirror?).

And finally, 6 postings by Sean Carraher who seems to have some sort of major gripe with the Gardai.

So they total 265 posts of the 379 posts we are discussing here.  That leaves 114 posts not attributed to them.

First, the IP address.  The first digits of any IP address indicates the ISP (internet service provider).  If we take those for posters for example here, John Gill's IP address begins with 86 which in Ireland indicates his ISP is eircom.  Michael Bradshaw's is 79 which in Ireland indicates that his ISP is Upc.  Eugene Cafferky's is 92 which in Ireland indicates his ISP is Hutchinson 3g Ireland.  Outside of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) these ISPs will be from other providers.  For instance, Joe Ferris has two: one his home one and one his work or mobile.  The ISPs in his case are Virgin Media and Talktalk UK.  If the second one is not his mobile and is his work then I am not at all sure his bosses would like to know that he uses their computers and time to be doing his VLPS business.

My own IP starts with 93 (vodafone) and NOT the one (82) of the poster on their guestbook using my name and location (31st December 2011).

So that briefly explains about the first two digits of the IP address.

Now on the guestbook, as I said, we have 114 posts from the 1st of January 2012 to the 8th of February 2012 not attributed to the "famous five" (Gill, Cafferky, Bradshaw, Ferris,and Carraher).

Of that 114, 47, yes FORTY SEVEN "posters" have the one IP address.  And of those 47, 29 are about me!  What else woulld I expect?

That is over 41% of them (luckily I have a husband with a great brain for maths to save me reaching for a calculator to work that out!).  Coincidentally my husband was taught maths by two people who are connected, one indirectly and the other very directly, to our case with the Gallaghers.  His maths teachers were Fr. Carr, now Parish Priest in Daniel and Elva Gallagher's parish, and Fr. McMahon who inherited and received the gold watch that the Gallaghers wrongly and repeatedly accuse me of stealing ~ MADGE FRIEL'S GOLD WATCH).  Small world and all that.

Back to the false poster.  The IP of the (forty seven names) poster is 86.159.225. (the last section is not added).  This one poster also shows many "locations" too.  In alphabetical order, and including the posters "location" where given, but not including the times they posted twice under one of the names ("Holly", "Trina", "Lillian" "Tessa", "Moira" and "Trish"), here are  the FORTY ONE names used by this poster:

Averil P (Mayo), Beth (Florida, USA), Charlotte (Cresslough), Crystal (Palm Springs), Cyril (Dub), Deirdre (Dublin), Dick Whiitington, Elizabeth Doyle (Dublin), Eva (Coolard), Ex solicitors wife (Tipp), Felicity, Fred (Dublin), Gina (Stoke-on-Trent), Holly (Clare), Ida Platterman, Leeann (Galway), Leo (Shannon), Lillian (Dublin), Margaret Johnson (Letterkenny), Miss Pimms, Moira (Donegal), P.D. (Donegal Town), Paddy Kinnan, Padraig (Donegal), Petra, Reta (Sunshine state), S.S. (Dublin), Seamus, Sgt Pepper (Manchester), Sheila, Shelf stacker (Letterkenny), Sinead, T.T (Donegal), Taiel Assaf (Ballsbridge, Dublin), Tessa (Dublin), Tom, Tony (Inner city), Trina (Dub), Trish, Victor, AND FINALLY,  Willie (Mayo).  Note to "Charlotte", Creeslough is not spelled "Cresslough".
Whilst it may be amusing to think that this rampant poster (who by the way, is using eircom as their ISP, a fact eircom might be quite interested in as many of the posts are, predictably, abusive and therefore against eircom's terms of use), it is also a blatant disregard for any genuine visitors to their sites who are searching for guidance or help. 

If they can't be trusted to run a guestbook decently and honestly, which we know already from the vile abuse they allow be posted there they can't, but now proof positive that they make up user names to write prolifically on the guestbook, then how on earth could ANYONE trust anything they say or do? 

It is just not possible.

And finally, on the subject of their guestbook, this, the first post on their then new guestbook on the 7th of November 2010 at 20:16:07:

"Name: VLPS   Email: lawyercatcher @  Web: http:// www.

Location: Ireland     Number: 1

The guestbook company we were using has gone out of business so a new guestbook has been set up.

Unfortunately, messages posted after Sept 2006 are lost, unless someone else has saved them"

In reply to that I would say, firstly, what kind of absolute grade A plonkers run a site and have no copies saved?

Secondly and in reply to the post I would say to "lawyercatcher", I have! 

Every single one going right back to the very beginning both in hard copy and on a computer especially dedicated and used only for the VLPS and the rateyoursolicitor group and all their writings.  Feel free to email me to ask for them.