Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I was googling 'the Bog Hotel' the other day prior to our intended visit to it and came across this by "Joe Ferris" which is more than likely just another nom de plume of St. John, The Lone Ranger:

"Would VLPS members, perhaps agree that ‘Patsy Brogan’s 60sq m garden-shed bar in a bog in the Bluestack Mountains in Donegal’ would appear to be ‘Defacto A Bar’ and equivalent to ‘if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck’?

Are VLPS members, perhaps puzzled as to the contradiction ‘Mr. Brogan said they might marry in Donegal, instead of Poland, because a hotelier told him he can have it for free’ and not in the ‘Bog Hotel’ ‘Patsy Brogan’s 60sq m garden-shed bar in a bog in the Bluestack Mountains in Donegal’?

PS Given the requirements as stated below:-

(they then go on to print parts of the Intoxicating Liquor Act).

Are VLPS members sceptical that the ‘Bog Hotel’ is completely free and Mr. Brogan is the Donegal Santa Claus and is not in breach of ‘7.—(1) From and after the passing of this Act no person shall sell, expose for sale, or keep for sale, by retail, any intoxicating liquor without being duly licensed so to sell the same, or at any place where he is not authorised by his licence to sell the same.’?

Are VLPS members also asking, “Where is the money coming from that Mr. Brogan can provide alcohol free to the public in his ‘Bog Hotel’’?

Would VLPS members, further agree that whilst RTE has Podge and Rodge in Donegal we have ‘Paudge and Friends’ ‘tangled web of deceit’ in the Administration of Law and Justice, in keeping with the quotation below? J.F.

O what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive.
—Sir Walter Scott, 1808

Did you ever read such a heap of sanctimonious drivel?  What is wrong with these old curmudgeons, sitting on their tinfoil thrones trying to tear others apart?  They don't appear to have one pleasant thought in their vacuous heads.  Where do they get off tearing people they don't even know apart?  What business is it of theirs what Patsy Brogan does or does not do?  He won the case fairly and squarely.  Mind you, the fact he used an actual solicitor probably doesn't sit well with them.

Perhaps they should get out more, live a little, speak to people who have a life and have happy thoughts.  Maybe even take a trip to the Bog Hotel themselves.  The difference between them and the lovely visitors I was chatting to on our visit to the bog hotel, all laughing and having fun, is so huge it is sad. 

And another thing, WHAT is with all the legalese used?  Are they all, perchance, wannabe lawyers at heart swinging brick?

Finally, I laughed at the choice of quote used by this bunch of blatant liars and scandalmongers.  Oh, the irony.

(If you want to read my blog post on our visit to the Bog Hotel, click HERE.)