Wednesday, July 28, 2010


From the Rate Your Solicitor site under the section about Judge O'Hagan:

"9th Oct 2009 Mrs. O'Connor
O'Hagan should stick to acting.  The bench isn't the place for double standards or personalities.  Let fairness and equality come to play before Sean McGlynn stains his robes forever.  It suggests something is terribly wrong when a judge would bear the sins of a solicitor.  What must he be afraid of, what does Mr. McGlynn have on the judge, it must be big."

Drama and intrigue!  "stains his robes".  "bear the sins of a solicitor".  Shakespear must be turning in his grave! 

But seriously, given the fact that another judge, Judge Edwards of the High Court, has upheld the decision of Judge John O'Hagan, and that another judge of the High Court held against Daniel and Elva Gallagher AGAINST Sean and Catherine McGlynn, is it even remotely possible that Mr. McGlynn as suggested has something on every single judge in Ireland?

This alone shows how ludicrous their entire site actually is.