Tuesday, November 8, 2011


... and a total lack of knowledge in the hands of the deluded, even more dangerous.

Elva Gallagher, close friend of John Gill (aka St. John, The Lone Ranger and Dick Turpin) and the “legal representative” of Daniel Gallagher as she calls herself should really not be listened to by anyone seeking any kind of legal advice. Yes, there is the matter of the legal advice dispensed from a trailer in their garden ~ in cash, tax free like John Gill ~ but even with an “office” this woman knows zilch about the law.

Why? Well, apart from the fact that her lack of legal knowledge has landed her husband in jail a number of times, and apart from the fact that her lack of legal knowledge has clocked up and continues to clock up one massive amount of money in costs, court fines, etc. on her husband, one of the things John Gill’s close friend, Elva, is very fond of doing is delivering self penned summonses. And even something as simple of that manages to make a pig’s ear of.

I was sitting in our car recently, in our own private parking area outside our house, waiting for Sean to come to the car as we were going out when all of a sudden the driver’s door opened and two envelopes were thrown into the car by a small, dark haired (heavily dyed dark hair I might add) woman in an old raincoat coat with the words “I am serving these summonses on you”. I was rather taken aback and as this is the first time I have ever seen her I didn't recognise her but the word "summons" let me know who she was.
So, apart from having the cheek to trespass on our property, with who I assumed to be her husband sitting revving their car our gate presumably for a hasty get-away, she once again proved her total inability to understand even the basics of law.

So, Elva, close friend of John Gill, for your future information when serving summons (because sadly I feel all too sure that her obsession with us will continue despite her futile quest to prove herself right in her persistent battle to get her hands on the land of the late Madge Friel, and no matter how many times her husband lands in jail because of her, she will continue) here’s what you did wrong.

ORDER 9 OF THE SUPERIOR COURT RULES requires PERSONAL service on each defendant which requires that each defendant be handed a true copy of the summons personally AND each defendant MUST be shown the original summons with the original stamp of the High Court.

Therefore the service is ineffective.

So, Elva, close friend of John Gill, sort it out you silly woman!