Friday, November 18, 2011


I noticed a post their cesspit site (vlps/ saying I was running a puppy farm, breeding pups for sale.

This is just another of their nasty lies.

1.  We have NEVER bought a pup from a puppy farm nor a pet shop. 

2.  All the dogs we have had were bought as pups from reputable breeders whom we had checked out at length prior to purchasing.  By checking out, we made sure that they were Kennel Club (either Irish or British) registered, not because that is a total safety valve, but rather that we could see how many litters they had bred from their dogs and how regularly.

3.  We have had many pedigree dogs over the years and have NEVER bred as much as one pup.  My opinion is that there are far too many dogs in the world as it is and that is the reason I have never had our dogs bred.  And believe me, were I the type to do it, I would have made quite a sum of money as they were all expensive dogs.

4.  We have never even allowed our male pedigree dogs to be used at stud.  Our Shar-Pei at the time could have earned £800 per breeding and although we were asked by owners in Galway to use our dog, we refused because we a) did not buy our Shar-Pei to make money and b) as stated previously there are far too many puppies being bred.

5.  Our dog now is an English Bull Terrier and we have had him now for over seven years.  We had him neutered when he was a few months old despite the fact that he could be used at stud as an adult for up to £1,000 a time.

So, no, we have never had a puppy farm and have never bought from one, and more, have never even seen a puppy farm (other than TV progs. of course).

But just another example of the hate campaign and lies against us on their cesspit sites.

To end on a happy note though, here's our fabulous Alf.  A charming, loving, clever and very loyal eight stone mass of solid muscle.

Alf says "hello"