From the VLPS/crookedlawers guestbook:
"Date: 21/10/2011, 19:56:16 ~ Name: Truth ~ Number: 3,091
Have Victims of The Legal Profession become Victims of John Gill.
The VLPS has been taken control of by a Nasty Scruffy Horrible Little Bully.
The dysfunctionality of The VLPS a victims support group is extrordinary. This guestbook controlled with messages regularly removed, The Rate Your Solicitor Site closed to new postings, public meetings for victims prohibited, no membership registration, no democratically elected management structure, not a single AGM in 10 years and not one genuine victim assisted through the courts to a successful outcome.
Who is John Gill and why is he controlling The VLPS ? ? ?."
Dear Truth
Of course they are all victims of John Gill. But the site has not been taken control of by him, the site is owned, run and more importantly, controlled by him.
John Gill (aka St. John, The Lone Ranger, Dick Turpin), with his friend and close companion, Elva Gallagher, only really want to bang, albeit impotently, their own drums. They care not a jot about other members there other than to take a few quid off them (tax free of course).
Sadly, there are people out there who are innocent enough to actually think this little man can do anything for them. Well, other than land a few of them in jail ~ himself included ~ that is.
John Gill has got exactly nowhere in his own quest to right what he perceives as wrongs against him and now he has the added bother of someone pursuing him for his slanderous rantings. His cup positively overflows.
But he is not totally alone. He always has constant companion and close friend Elva (wife of Daniel Gallagher) but he also has a few "birds of a feather" around him.
People, some of whom are almost illiterate (as evidenced by their writings on his guestbook), and people too who will jump on any bandwagon going to tear others apart ~ as long, of course, as they have the anonymity of the internet and a screen in front of them.
These people, his little band of followers, worship the ground he prances around on as he continues his quest for victory, old, saggy, wrinkly thing by his side (I refer here not to his close friend and constant companion Elva, but rather, his large satchel) over every person and every organisation that ever slighted him in any way. The fact that some of these slights may be figments of his florid imagination is neither here nor there to John Gill.
He is a little man with many big chips scattered between and on both shoulders and a little man who will not give up, driven as he is by his own demons, and cheered on by said band of followers. Some of whom are starting to wonder exactly what they got into when they first believed his diatribes.
But "a nasty, scruffy, horrible little bully"? Well, people can make up their own minds on whether that is a close despcription of him or not.
I tend to think of him as a sad, little man to whom both life and mother nature have dealt some hard blows and because of these he can no longer think, speak nor work with any semblence of rationality.