Sunday, November 23, 2008

THE HALL OF SHAME and their sister site came up with the idea of a Hall of Shame. Clearly the idea was for them to use it as a batton to beat anyone who crossed them.

Basically The Hall of Shame lists:
- Solicitors
- Barristers
- Judges
- And ANYONE else who John Gill of the VLPS and his friends decide to deride and award with an AVOID rating ~ repeatedly. And under various names.

It is a great place for these obsessed people to vent their spleen. And oh boy do they do vent with a vengence! Truth and facts are immaterial, all that is need is an axe to grind, actively encouraged by

Indeed the front page of (25th of November 2008) says:

"A rating should be based on your own experience, or that of your company.There are four possible ratings:: Poor: Average: Good

Here are some guidelines to help you decide if an AVOID rating is justified:

* Did your solicitor wrongfully hold onto your files or papers?
* Did your solicitor wrongfully misappropriate money or property belonging to you?
* Is your solicitor untruthful and guilty of dishonest and dishonourable conduct?
* Do you believe that your solicitor does not carry on his/her practice in a professional and competent manner?
* Has your solicitor altered, distorted or suppressed legal documents?
* Did your solicitor commit or attempt to commit fraud or probate a fraudulent Will?
* Did your solicitor commit or attempt to commit an act which would attract a prison sentence if perpetrated by a lay person?"
They obviously prefer to encourage negativity and AVOID ratings.

Now let's take our (Sean McGlynn & Co.) entry into the Hall of Shame to prove the way they work.

First, a posting by John Gill, trumpeting about our being in their Hall of Shame, dated the 15th of November 2008:

"I see those lowest of lowlife trying to defend their conspiracy to defraud, perjury, theft of property, abuse of the system, low moral and ethical standards. How can these Liars and Thieves sleep at night? How low can a human being crawl? What kind of upbringing did they have, have they any sense of shame or decency at all? When are they going to wake up to the fact that they are in the Hall of Shame, do they not realise that the whole world is watching and waiting for the demise of the last bastion of the Black-n-Tans, the lowest of low life."

Of course, true to form, John Gill slips in and out of (as he does on their sister site, to change his posts at will, as evidenced here with the above post originally reading:

"I see those lowest of lowlife trying to defend their conspiracy to defraud, perjury, theft of property, abuse of the system, low moral and ethical standards. How can these Liars and Thieves sleep at night? How low can a human being crawl? What kind of upbringing did they have? Did they not have enough to eat. Have they any sense of shame or decency at all? When are they going to wake up to the fact that they are in the scumbag Hall of Shame, do they not realise that the whole world is watching and waiting for the demise of the last bastion of the Black-n-Tans, the lowest of low life."

Strange, is it not, the way a man, John Gill, PRO of the VLPS, who claims to have no influence with has carte blanche to change posts on at will?


The listings on Sean McGlynn & Co., Letterkenny, County Donegal, has 187 postings (it runs to 32 pages of hard copy).

The AVOID postings (which these people actively encourage) total 154

- AVOID postings by various 'branches' of the VLPS = 38

- AVOID postings by John Gill, using his own name = 24

- AVOID postings by Daniel Gallagher = 2

- AVOID postings are by people who claim to have been clients = 8
NOT ONE of these HAVE EVER BEEN clients of Sean McGlynn & Co.

- And the balance of the AVOID postings are made up of people posting under such names as

'AIB corner, Ploughing Championships' (7th October 2007) who said:

"Tis a long way from Killarney to Dublin Four Courts, you will have our support on the 8th of Oct, God willing. Tis past time someone took a stand against our new Black n Tans, the Cromwellian forces of the new century, fair play to you."

Does that post remind us of the posts of John Gill who constantly brings up the Black and Tans, no doubt a rather puerile and very unsubtle dig at their idea that I am English and Sean is Irish. (See John Gill's post above dated 15th of November 2008).
So, 100% ~ ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ~ of our AVOID postings are generated by the VLPS, John Gill, Daniel Gallagher, non-existent 'clients' and people not connected at all with the case and unknown to us.
What does that tell the readers of
Simply, it tells us that the whole thing is an absolute farce and riddled with lies.
AND FOR THE INFORMATION OF ~ Try to at least get SOME of your basic facts right (the lies we have come to expect):

1. I am not English. Posters under various names keep repeating this non-fact as if it were an insult to me. Is being English a bad thing? Because you are clearly throwing this at me as if you think it is an insult to be English. And in so doing you insult all English people. Racism? I think so. Not exactly good PR. But then they do have John Gill as their PRO.

2. Brendan McGlynn, Auctioneer, is not Sean McGlynn's brother.

All of the above proves that these people are not above lies in the postings ~ if indeed proof was needed. And if I have been able, with little effort, to prove it in our case then it has the knock on effect of indicating that others with many AVOID postings may, and indeed probably, have been subject to the same lies.

There are other posters who have drawn the same conclusions:

"Mrs McGlynn, I read your blog and it certainly casts things in a different light. I am sorry to say that for a while it seemed Mr Gill and his crew were fighting the good fight but not (sic) its clear to see that they are the ones who are up to no good."
Posted by George Kirk (who is totally unknown to us) 20th of November 2008

"Anyone interested in these allegations should read the recent High Court judgement on these matters. It is available on the Courts site. In my opinion it completely vindicates the McGlynns."
Posted by John Finnegan (who is unknown to us) 17th of January 2008

"You should all stop ranting and read the High Court judgement where all of these accusations were considered and found to be without any foundation. I am an independent reader who looked at this website out of interest, and has become totally disillusioned with the pointless nature of the baseless mudslinging that goes on."
Posted by John Finnegan (who is unknown to us) 10th of April 2008

I'd like to thank John Finnegan and George Kirk, neither of whom we know, for at least trying to bring some rationality to the site.

rateyoursolicitor is not the place for sane, rational people to associate themselves with, and nor is their sister site And all because John Gill and his friends, through their total lack of intelligence and decency, have ruined their own sites.

NB. From the front page of
If and were set up with good intentions, why then are they both now, and always have been since inception, registered with a host site outside of Ireland? Think about it.
NOTE: I have posted all above on tonight 25th November 2008. Will they post it? I think they will.
I was wrong. They have been posting things I posted on their sites since I opened this blog on the 11th of November 2008, and only because I informed John Gill by email about this blog. So they are aware of it and as indicated by postings on their sites since. are reading my blog.
But clearly, as proven by my exposing their lies here, they do not want the proof I exposed to appear on the Hall of Shame.
Because if this proof of their lies did it would knock all the other threads on rateyoursolicitor (and indeed the waffle on their siter site into a cocked hat.
So exposing their lies on the Sean McGlynn & Co. thread on to be an absolute farce and riddled with lies exposes at the VERY least the possibility that the rest of is too a farce.